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autobiographical improvisation

With support of Ministry of culture of Lithuania

When someone dares to talk, it’s the same as confession. By confessing one can know himself. By knowing himself one can know others. By talking about ourselves we talk about our generation. It?s an endless way from self-actualization to knowing others. It’s like vicious circle. Our goal is — to open the circle, to start talking in straight theatre language, by using it?s unique rules. To talk about others and ourselves, to heal and be healed by theatre. ?Open Circle? is not based on a particular play. The main point here is actor and his/her story. The themes of performance and team of actors in the circle change. It is a living, volatile theatrical process. ?Open Circle? is a performance that is based on confession and improvisations of autobiographical stories of actors who are sitting in a circle. Today the OPEN CIRCLE for us — is a possibility to find our own theatrical language, to step into an untrodden way of expression. In performance, by searching answers to sore questions coming from the past, actor aim to open a circle of his and audience?s knowledge and experience. Heal and be healed by theatre. Autobiographical improvisations ?Open Circle? was the first performance where young actors-students showed themselves / came up as a group of young people who are speaking in distinctive theatre language and are not afraid to experiment and improvise on the stage. Leader and teacher of the group is director Aidas Giniotis.

  • In 2002 Lithuanian Academy of Theatre and Music gathered a group of students to become actors in Keistuoliu theatre. The tutors of the course ? prof. Vladas Bagdonas and director Aidas Giniotis. Within the four years of work and creation a new sense and vision of theatre was born. It was an essential foundation for establishing a new theatre for youth in Lithuania.
    In 2006 a new theatre, called Theatre laboratory OPEN CIRCLE, was established.

    Director Aidas Giniotis got the main national theatre award in Lithuania The Golden Stage Cross — for the best performance for children and youth ?Open Circle? in 2005

    Director: ?Aidas Giniotis
    Performers: — Agnė Kaktaitė, Algirdas Urbonas, Eimantas Bareikis, Giedrius Kiela, Jonas Šarkus, Judita Urnikytė, Marija Korenkaitė, Vesta Šumilovaitė.

    Duration ? 1 h. 20 min.

    Age — 14+

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    © Novgorod Theatre Mali 2024